Making Pictures Lie

This Thursday, in Dreese Lab room 266, I will demonstrating how you can make pictures lie using only open source software. Fanboys will often proclaim what they can do in a certain expensive proprietary image editor that shall not be named, so I’m going to demonstrate just the same things are do-able from another certain free, open source program. My claim is that GIMP is just as capable of making your pictures lie as any other mainstream image manipulation software.

Image manipulation is done a by-case basis, so what works on one image may not work on another. Use of these editors is best learned by practice, as opposed to lectures. I also do not know the level of audience to expect, I don’t script or rehearse my presentations, and simply impressing you isn’t going to teach you anything. Therefore, the presentation shall be interactive, and use of a laptop with GIMP already installed is encouraged. Questions are also encouraged, so please come prepared with ideas of what you would like to see - as basic as “what is a layer?” to as advanced as “how do I render lightning bolts?” or anything else you can think of. Comments are enabled, so you can post your ideas ahead of time.

Whether you’re trying to create a desktop background, troll people, remove braces, pass an art class, create special effects, push a political agenda, tell a story or just generally make girls feel bad about themselves to promote your brand, Gimp is more than likely suited to fit your needs. By the time you leave, you should all fully qualify as Fox News editors. That, or this comic will become your new reality.

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